posted 7 years ago (last edited 9 months ago)
Week 2 Discussion
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Solving Problems Using the Internet
Want to know what movies are showing?  Need to find a new place to eat? Kids need help with a school project? Want to fix that leaky faucet yourself?  With the internet, the answer is just one click away . . . ok, maybe two or three clicks (or swipes), but it’s there.  The internet has made it far easier to solve problems of all types, big and small.
What types of problems has the internet helped you to solve?  From the topics listed below, identify a problem you faced and how you were able to solve it using resources available on the internet.  Make sure to respond to at least one other student.
  1. Personal Development and Improvement
  2. Do-It-Yourself
  3. Entertainment or Travel
  4. Workplace or Job Hunting

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