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Is a Combined Degree Program Right for You?
A combined or dual degree program lets you earn two degrees at once. One of the degrees might
be an advanced degree. Find out how these programs work and how to find them.
Do you want to save time and money getting an advanced degree? Are you strongly interested in
two fields of study? If so, take a look at colleges that offer combined degree programs.
What Is a Combined Degree Program?
A combined degree program is a formal plan of study for completing two degrees
simultaneously. The courses you take are not different from those in regular degree programs.
But the pace is different. You are likely to carry a larger course load and put in longer hours than
your classmates in regular degree programs. Many programs are offered in partnership with other
colleges, so you might take some courses, or even spend your junior or senior year, at a different
Applying for a Combined Degree
You normally apply to these highly competitive programs after you have been admitted to the
college, usually in your freshman or sophomore year. Most programs require a minimum college
GPA. Some even require that you enter college with AP or college credit already under your belt.
Combined Degrees Come in Two Flavors
Accelerated degree programs let you earn a bachelor's degree and a graduate degree in less
time than it would take to get them separately. Such programs give both undergraduate and
graduate credit for some courses, resulting in faster progress through the curriculum. Students
typically begin graduate school during their senior year. For example, an aspiring medical doctor
might begin coursework at a medical school as a junior and enter the formal M.D. program full-
time as a senior.
Dual degree programs usually include two bachelor's degrees. These programs are not
accelerated and may require a fifth year of college. They may make sense for any number of
reasons. For example, a student may have a strong interest in two different academic fields. Or

he or she may want to combine a career-oriented degree with a complementary degree, such as
museum studies and art history.
Typical Fields of Study
Accelerated degree programs are widely offered in the sciences, health care, education, law, and
engineering. Other fields include business, public administration, hospitality, real estate, and
Dual degree programs are available in any number of fields. One common option is to combine a
Bachelor of Arts degree with a Bachelor of Science degree. This way, a student gains the
advantages of a liberal arts education while also graduating with a practical (and employable)
degree in an applied field, such as engineering.
Pros and Cons of Combined Degree Programs
Since combined degrees demand an extraordinary commitment early in your undergraduate
years, you should weigh them carefully.
Advantages Drawbacks
Accelerated Degrees
 You are quickly immersed in a field that
you are passionate about.
 You get to start graduate studies early.
 They generally cost less than traditional
 One admission fee covers both
undergraduate and graduate schools.
 You graduate with an advanced degree in
less time.
Dual Degrees
 You can pursue two interests at once.
 You can complement a career interest with
broader studies.

Accelerated Degrees
 You might change your mind about your career
plans after you start the program.
 Due to the demands of your studies, you won't
have a typical college experience.
 And you won't have time to explore studies outside
the program.
 You might decide that you want to attend a
different graduate school.

Dual Degrees
 Your course load will be very challenging.
 It usually takes an extra year to get your bachelor's
 You might lose financial aid after getting your first
bachelor's degree.


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